Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Back to Life

Unified Underground is officially over and we are officially tired. It was a long but amazing weekend. Yesterday we spent the day resting, processing, and coming to realizations. We learned so much from all of our incredible friends. I want to make a real effort to stay in touch with them all and tell them often how important they are to us. We're so very blessed.

I feel like I learned new things about myself this weekend. I talked more than I have in years before, and I'm so happy about that. I met a lot of new people. Our break out session went really well. We tried jam-packing it with everything we're passionate about and unfortunately didn't get to go as in depth as we had hoped for. But, we hope to do another session in the next year or two about the differences between men and women (and boy are there a lot) and how we can communicate effectively in spite of these differences. I get jazzed just thinking about it.

Unfortunately, Lucas' camera was broken this weekend (even more unfortunate is that it was partially my fault), so we didn't get any pictures. But we had friends who did, so I'll try stealing some of theirs to post soon!

For anyone interested, we have a blog for the ministry my husband and I work with (Hope for the Rejected) that we have just started updating again. We're planning on posting on it quite frequently. My husband is an awesome writer and has already posted a lot of awesome writings on there from a couple of years ago, when we were just friends:) It's called Hope's Anchor.

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