Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pesto Paninis

Sometime in the Summer (or was it the spring?) my lovely friend Melissa and her husband went to the Strawberry Festival (which was sadly lacking in strawberries) with Lucas and I at a local church. Our manly men enjoyed the pit beef provided by the church while we ladies waited to eat a lighter meal back home. Melissa is a vegetarian and I was excited about the opportunity to make a veggie counterpart to the pit beef sandwiches. From this exciting opportunity came my pesto paninis which I now love and make often. They're really simplistic, but taste awesome.

To make the paninis, I simply spread about a tablespoon of pesto on one slice of Italian bread then add to that sandwich one slice of a Roma tomato and one slice of mozzarella (folded in half). Next, I place a second slice of Italian bread on top and brush the outsides of each bread slice with olive oil. Finally, I cook the paninis on our George Foreman Grill (because I don't have a schmancy pants panini maker).

Lucas recently had the idea of adding strips of bacon to them which works really well with the other flavors in the panini. But they're just as rad without the bacon for all y'all non-meat eaters.

1 comment:

  1. I loooooove your paninis!

    I bet they are good with bacon. It's the only meat I ever miss.
